Czech electro-industrial / EBM group formed in 1989 by Daniel Rodn\u00fd and Samir Hauser, in 1997 joined by Miroslav Pape\u017e.

Postpunková temně gotická Čínská čtvrť vznikla roku 1988, když na inzerát Daniela Rodného hledajícího zpěváka pro zamýšlenou kapelu ve stylu Joy Division a raných Cure odpověděl Samir Hauser. Vlastně místo odpovědi hodil do schránky svoji fotku (která se kupodivu dochovala).

Oba měli za sebou punkovou minulost, slovo dalo slovo a tak vzniklo jedno z výrazných seskupení tzv. "strahovské scény", uměleckého společenství okolo Klubu 007.

Zvuku dominovaly chmurné klávesy, nahallená kytara a ponuře tragický vokál, hudba navazovala na styl Joy Division, Fields of the Nephilim, Sisters of Mercy nebo Smiths.

Čínská čtvrť se účastnila společných akcí se spřátelenými soubory, mezi něž poatřily třeba Kurtizány z 25. avenue, Rány těla, Modrý tanky, Ecstasy Of St.Theresa, Jižní pól, Toyen, Jean Marais nebo Omnibus.Aktivně koncertovala až do roku 1990, kdy se oba zakládající členové začali naplno věnovat svému novému projektu, elektronické Vanesse.

Jedním z prvních počinů nově vzniklého vydavatelství Monitor (později EMI, dnes Warner Music) bylo kompilační LP Nové horizonty (1990).

Výběr kapel tehdejší "nezávislé scény" se natáčel ve studiu u Josefa Přiba na Kamplě.

Čínská čtvrť je na něm zastoupena skladbami "Někde je dno" a "Za zdí".

Target vznikl v roce 1992 jako vedlejší projekt elektronické Vanessy. Šlo o experimentálnější, posluchačsky nepřístupnější skladby, které se do tracklistu Vanessy z nějakých důvodů nehodily. Netradiční kombinace industrialu, elektroniky a scénické hudby byla k mání pouze živě. Nedílnou součástí byla i vizuální složka. Na velkoplošné projekci za scénou se vrstvily přelomové momenty válečných konfliktů, extatické tance Dervišů, autentické záběry z poprav, operací, pitev a kopulací.

V květnu 1994 Target vystoupil v pražském Edenu společně se spřátelenými The Legendary Pink Dots (předělávku jejich skladby „A Space Between“ Rodný zařadil do repertoáru Vanessy).

Po rozpadu původní skupiny Vanessy se Target na 25 let odmlčel. Znovu vystoupil až v listopadu 2019 v pražském klubu Fatal. Původně mělo jít o krátký set několika starých tracků "pro nostalgiky". Zoran Stehlík týden před plánovanou akcí onemocněl, Rodný se za něj pokusil sehnat náhradu a dopadlo to tak, že tři dny před vystoupením vznikla nová sestava:

- Kryštof PeterkaImmunology
- Martin Kadnár ze Zputnik
- Vít Chabera aka PcbFlare
- Daniel RodnýVanessy

Elektronická skupina, produkující agresivní syntezátorový rock ležící někde mezi německou elektro-scénou, gotickým post-punkem a americkými progresivisty. GD lze považovat za jedny z průkopníků skloubení elektroniky a tanečního rytmu u nás. Hudebně se jedná především o dialogy překrabičkované kytary se syntezátorem na základě syntetických zvuků rytmiky, napsal Josef Zub Vlček v Rock&Popu (1990). A pokračoval: V podvědomí muzikantů je uloženo neustálé vědomí přítomnosti rocknrollu, čemuž Lou Reed říkal Rocknroll Animal, tj. směsice drzosti, výbušnosti a programového diletantismu.

V roce 1994 přišel Samir Hauser s novým projektem, chlapeckým duem 2 Amigos (spolu s Karlem Jarůškem).

Popovému publiku se snažil zalíbit stylizací do usměvavého světle oblečného hošíka a popěvky typu „Neztrácej čas, staň se hvězdou, která nezhasíná“.

Album doprovázel stylový videoklip:


Zpěvák, textař a provokatér Samir Hauser se narodil roku 1970 české matce a arabskému otci. Koncem osmdesátých let založili spolu s Danielem Rodným post-punkovou Čínskou Čtvrť a následně i úspěšnou elektronickou formaci Vanessa.

Skupina vznikla v roce 1991, kdy Miroslav Imrich (Abraxas, Tango) natočil album Who is Mečiar a začal s ním objíždět české a slovenské kluby spolu s Martinem Kadnárem a dvěma tanečnicemi. Po roce se přidal kapelník Vanessy Daniel Rodný a repertoár výrazně přitvrdil. V roce 1995 skupina vydala druhé CD Deflorace.

Jako formu vyjádření nepoužívají nejmodernější nástroje, ale spíše hledají nové způsoby, jak naložit s těmi starými. Filosofie projektu spolu s elektronickými přístroji Moimira Papalescu a saxofonem Petera Van Krbetze činí z Magnetik překvapivě mnohem víc než obvyklou postmoderní hříčku s označením retro projekt.

Za projektem stojí frontmani tří kontroverzních kapel:František Štorm z blackmetalových Masters Hammer, Samir Hauser z elektronindustriální legendy Vanessa a Řezník z horrorcore Sodoma Gomora. V roce 2015 natočili s producentem Johnem Fryerem album Necrotica, které obsahovalo 12 skladeb napříč zmíněnými žánry.

Die Alten Maschinen jsou ideologicky projektem o strojích, které jsou člověku přátelské. O technologiích, které nejsou hrozbou, ale mají lidstvu především sloužit a pomáhat. Je to také pocta všem snílkům, vynálezcům a spisovatelům prvních idealistických sci-fi, kdy snít o budoucnosti bylo přece ještě tak krásné. Za projektem Die alten Maschinen stojí Moimir Papalescu, Petr Venkrbec, kanadský zpěvák a bubeník Leon Stevenson z novovlnných The Extras a lídr legendárních Devo Gerald V. Casale.

E-clash, electropunk, odkazy na staré americké country, experimentování s digitální i analogovou elektronikou, temné postpunkové kytary. Strhující živá vystoupení plná punkové energie, masivního zvuku, electro beatu a syrového electro rocknrollu. Dokonalá vizuální image a projev zpěvačky La Petite Sonji. To všechno jsou Nihilists.

acronym: K.I.F.O.T.H. born: Spring 1993 home: Trnava (Slovakia) executioners: mir Colon; K-head

Skupina Majklův strýček (později M.O. a ještě později Michaels Uncle) vznikla v roce 1987. Zpočátku hrála temný postpunk, ve kterém později probleskovaly náznaky hardcore. Skupina se v roce 1995 rozpadla, ale od roku 2004 opět koncertuje.

Pražská punková skupina (dříve Sputnik), která prosazuje heslo Kopírování podporuje hudbu, není registrována v OSA a svou tvorbu šíří zdarma. Kromě typických punkových nástrojů používá i samply.

Slovak Dark Electro/Ambient project

Czech "astral hardcore" band, that loves mysticism, absurdity and hates the herd morality.

Insania came to life in 1987 in Brno, Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia). After several concerts the band was prohibited by StB (Secret State Police). Then the band continues to play under the mask name Skimmed and in 1990 releases the first independent LP in Czechoslovakia, "New Insanity".

In 1992 the band starts to be active under its original name Insania again and with a new line-up it releases the new demo "R.U.Dead?", then EP "Vertigo" in 1993 and the first CD "Crossfade" (1994), which was successful abroad as well. The band then plays concerts across Europe and supports bands like Voïvod, NoMeansNo or Killing Joke. The band also has a very friendly relationship with Jello Biafra.

After the US tour at the end of the last century Insania released CD "Recycling & Live in Seattle", then two regular CDs "Trans-Mystic Anarchy" and "Out". At the beginning of the year 2008 the last CD "Rock’n’Freud" of Insania is awarded with [b]Anděl[/b] (Czech Grammy) as the best album of the year in the "hard and heavy" category. In May 2008 Insania wins Břitva, [b]The Album of the Year[/b] prize, awarded by 61 newspapermen from 29 media.

In 2012 Insania entered to Břitva’s [b]Gallery of Legends[/b] together with Pražský výběr and Master’s Hammer.

V roce 1996 založil Kryštof Peterka svou kapelu Immunology (Tolerance), která časem vyřadila z názvu druhé slovo a stala se prakticky jedničkou domácích EBM podií. Živé prezentace spojené se záblesky rozbrušovačky apod. se staly pojmem.

Skupina vznikla v polovině 90. let přejmenováním industriální legendy STŘEDNÍ EVROPA, která se chtěla od industrialu posunout víc ke kytarám a ke grindcore. Nový název odkazoval na fakt, že mezi členy kapely byla maximální přípustná koncentrace psychopatů (termín maximum allowable concentration se používá při posuzování trestných činů za držení omamných látek).

Industriální železa vystřídaly kytary - a zatímco dvojice kytaristů Trpák/DanGer zůstávala stabilní, zpěváci a ostatní muzikanti se průběžně obměňovali. I když šlo hlavně o živou show, na přelomu milenia vzniklo studiové album THE ONE a v roce 2006 další, BADLUCK.

Sestava se nakonec ustálila, když přišla Jana von Habczak - sladká lolita se Satanem v hrdle, která se rozhodla všeho vzdát a zasvětit život rituálům skupiny - a Narco Polo, dj proslulý svými neuvěřitelnými kousky s psychedelickými smyčkami, který po propuštění z patnáctiletého trestu odnětí svobody převzal ve skupině odpovědnost za beaty a za vše elektrické, vyjma kytar. Rafinovanější vokály a důraz na kyberpunkové pazvuky repertoáru prospěly, stal se pestřejším a zábavnějším, aniž by ubral na šílenosti nebo údernosti.

Když pak poslední pamětník původní sestavy z 80. let, kytarista Petr Trpák, oznámil odchod, kapela oslovila Narcova spolubydlícího na cele - šéfa Vanessy a někdejšího průkopníka české elektro scény Daniela Rodného. Ten nabídku uvítal a po pár společných vystoupeních se stal řádným členem. 17 let od vydání druhého alba BADLUCK společně natočili třetí studiové album KEEP MUSIC EVIL (2024).

M.A.C. OF MAD poznáte po pár tónech podle charakteristické živelnosti, v níž se pekelný dívčí vokál pojí s bestiálně brutální kytarou, sžíravými harmoniemi a zběsilými rytmy. Jejich digitální hardcore se vyžívá v nevyzkoušených a nepříjemných postupech, dýchá z něj punkové nasazení a odmítání jakýchkoli omezení. Nová deska by se dala asi nejlépe popsat jako obskurní hrubozrnná všepožírající a magma tavící síla, která vyhřezla ze samotného pekla, aby vám otrávila pohodu nedělního odpoledne.

- Jana von Habczak (hlas)
- DanGer (kytara, peklo)
- Narco Polo, Daniel Rodný (zbytek)

Petr Macp Trpák g, harmonica, Roman Doležal g, voc, Jan Duspìva g, David Svoboda b, eb, Robert Štembera b, Petr Pakandl b, Jakub Malecek b, Milan Beherit Havlíček b, voc, Robert Hnát kb, Jiří Barney de la Estrada D. dr, Miloš Filař dr, Petr Kazetor Petrásek voc, dr, Tomáš Chymus Hanzl voc, Jiří Fido Volák voc, Marek Schnierer voc

Slovakian ambient electro-industrial project.

Czech electronic music group from Brno formed in 2001.

Czech Dark Ambient / Ritual project.

Skrol is martial-industrial group from Czechia, formed in autumn 1995. It consisted of composer and polyinstrumentalist [a337743], singer Martina Sanollová and Tom Saivon, who provides noise structures and lyrics. Formation´s direction of creativity aims are based on original principles of modern form of classical music with its incorporation into a artificial space, using ambient and noise structures, characteristic for the contemporary post-industrial likeness of the world. The project doesn’t completely deny residues of rock principles. At least minimally, it is music paying respect to traditional song form.

Zygote is a Czech dark-industrial electronic outfit from Prague, active between 1998 and 2003. It is a side-project of Vladimír Hirsch and Skrol band, originally designed to one album and its performance and composed of Vladimír Hirsch & Martina Sanollová with lyrics written by Tom Saivon, another member of Skrol. Sometimes they performed under the names Zygote CZ or Zygote (CZ).

Industrial Metal/Electronic band from Prague, Czech Republic.

Czech cyberpunk (EBM/crust) band from Brno formed in 2008.

Prague post punk band influenced by Australian-Berlin blues, industrial scene, country, and psychedelic disco is back after some time and almost with original members.

Czech black metal band founded in 1987.

Band members’ aliases:
Carles R. Apron (Karel Zástěra)
Monster (Tomáš Vendl)
Necrocock (Tomáš Kohout)
Silenthell (Jan Přibyl)
Ulric Fox (Oldřich Liška)

Related entities: Jihosound Studio / Jihosound Records

Czech rock band from Prague
Formed 1989

Tomáš Vartecký (1989 - ..)
Jan *Simon* Kůstka (1989 - 2006)
Bohouš *Viking* Krpálek (1989 - ..)
Jan Rupprich jr (2009 - ..)
Kany (2009 - ..)
Jiří *Isthwan* Tille (.. - 2009)

Czech rock group. Founded in 1988 and led by Milan Hlavsa as a successor to The Plastic People Of The Universe. Disbanded in June 1993.

Czech alternative rock group. Formed in 1968 in Prague by Milan Hlavsa. Disbanded in 1988, reformed in the 1990s, regularly performing since 1997 until present.
Band members (from 2016): Josef Janíček (vocals, keyboard) - bandleader from 1973, Vratislav Brabenec (vocals, saxophone, clarinet), Jaroslav Kvasnička (drums, vocals), Johnny Judl jr. (bass, vocals), David Babka (guitar).

The Plastic People of the Universe (PPU) is a rock band from Prague, Czech Republic. It was the foremost representative of Prague’s underground culture (1968–1989). This avant-garde group went against the grain of the communist regime and due to its non-conformism often suffered serious problems such as arrests.
Bass player Milan Hlavsa formed the band in 1968, which was heavily influenced by Frank Zappa (“Plastic People” is a song by the Mothers of Invention) and the Velvet Underground.
Czech art historian and cultural critic Ivan Martin Jirous (aka “Magor”, which means: “loony” or “blockhead”) became their manager/artistic director in the following year, fulfilling a similar role the one Andy Warhol had with the The Velvet Underground.
Because Jirous believed that English was the lingua franca of rock music, he employed Paul Wilson, a Canadian who had been teaching in Prague, to teach the band the lyrics of the American songs they covered and to translate their original Czech lyrics into English. Wilson served as PPU lead singer 1970–1972.
In 1974, thousands of students traveled from Prague to the town of České Budějovice to visit a PPU performance. Stopped by police, they were sent back to Prague in cattle cars, and several students were arrested. The band was forced underground until the Velvet Revolution in 1989. Unable to perform openly, an entire underground cultural movement formed around the band during the 1970s.
In 1976 the PPU were arrested and put on trial by the communist government to make an example. They were convicted of "organized disturbance of the peace" and sentenced to terms in prison ranging from 8 to 18 months.
Despite their clashes with the government, the musicians never considered themselves activists and always claimed that they wanted only to play their music. The band broke up in 1988, with some members forming the group Půlnoc (“Midnight”). At former Czech president Václav Havel’s suggestion, they reunited in 1997 in honor of the 20th anniversary of Charter 77, and have performed regularly since then. Founder and leader Milan Hlavsa died in January 2001.

Czech experimental underground group.

Formed in 1973 by Pavel Zajíček and Milan Hlavsa. Like the Plastic People of the Universe, they were systematically persecuted by the communist regime. De facto disbanded in 1980 due to Zajíček’s forced emigration. Reactivated in 1992. Inactive since 2015 due to Pavel Zajíček’s illness

Activity: 1973-1976, 1979-1980, 1992-present.

Members list (a-z):
Ivan „Váňa* Bierhanzl,
Jan Brabec,
Ivan Čeleda,
Chorus Paranoia (Ivan „Magor“ Jirous, Zdeněk „Londýn“ Vokatý, Jaroslav Kořán, Jiří Němec, Dana Němcová, Jana Němcová),
Pavel Cigánek,
Zdeněk „Pájka“ Fišer,
Petr Fučík,
Míla Hájek,
Veronika Hánová,
Jan „Sahara“ Hedl,
Milan „Mejla* Hlavsa,
Josef Janíček,
Tobiáš Jirous,
Jana Jonáková,
Jan Kindl,
Antonín Korb,
Jaroslav Kukal,
Ladislav Leština,
David Macháček,
Ivan Manolov,
Otakar „Alfréd“ Michl,
David Němec,
Jan Pokorný,
Ivo Pospíšil,
Ivan Procházka,
Josef „Bobeš* Rössler,
Tomáš Schilla,
Vladimír „Hendrix“ Smetana,
René Starhon,
Ota Sukovský,
Eva Turnová,
Ivana Vaňková,
Tomáš Vtípil,
Vladimír „Plivník“ Vyšín,
Pavel Zajíček,
Pavel „Eman“ Zeman

Czech alternative and pub rock group, formed in 1980 by Ivo Pospíšil and Karel Habal. In 1993 the band split into two subjects: Ivo Pospíšil’s “Garáž” disbanded in 1994, whereas “[a6109900]” still performs as of 2019.

Original line-up 1981:
Karel Habal (vocals), Tomáš Volák (vocals), Josef Vondrášek (guitar, vocals), Ivan Cifrinec (guitar, saxophone), Ivo Pospíšil (bass guitar), Zdeněk Smetana (drums).
Subseqent members during the 1980s, among others:
Tony Ducháček (vocals), Antonín Pěnička (drums), Jindřich Biskup (saxophone), Petr Hlinomaz (guitar), Radek Pospíšil (vocals), Milan Hlavsa (guitar, vocals), Josef Janíček (guest, keyboards), Aleš Hyský (guitar), Vasil Nikolas (guitar), Tomáš Svoboda (trumpet), Tomáš Kriesel (guitar), Radek Šimůnek (guitar), Antonín Hlávka (percussion), Jiří Jelínek (saxophone), Martin Kvasnička (percussion), Jan Macháček (guitar), Tomáš Kurfürst (trumpet), Ivan Pavlů (drums), Tadeáš Věrčák (guitar), Tomáš Belko (saxophone), Martin Pošta (trombone).

Czech rock band from Prague (1979 - 1994)

Former Members :
Pavel Holý - Vocals
Taras Prodanec - Guitar
Josef „Čaroděj“ Vízek - Bass
Pavel Krahulík - Drums

Lyrics were written by Dušan Hejbal

in 1980:
Pavel Krahulík is changed with František Brotánek

in 1982:
František Brotánek is changed with Jane Jaros

in 1985 is comming:
Roman Holý and Dan Šustr

in 1986 - 1989
Dan Šustr is changed with Jan Militký
Jan Militký is changed with Petr Huml
Jane Jaros is changed with Dan Čámský
Dan Čámský is changed with Michal Hejna

in 1990 group finished

Reborn of group in 1993 - members:
Pavel Holý
Pavel Macar
Aram Delan
Taras Prodanec
Petr Huml
Michal Hejna

Jihlavská punková skupina založená v roce 1985.

Czech rock group from Prague
Inspired by Marlene Ditrich
Formed 1984
Active (1984 - 1990)

Former members:
Michal Cingroš
Marcel Průcha
Marek Vít
Dan Šustr
Vladimír Chrenovský

Other members:
Radek Šimůnek
Jaroslav Raušer
Zdeněk Novák
Martin Kolář
Marek Šimůnek

Punk band from Prague, Czech Republic formed in 1984.

Former members:
Petr – main vocals, guitar
Marek Sibřina – bass, vocals
Martin Bíňovec - guitar
Áda Vitáček – drums

Members 1991:
Petr Hošek – vocals
Pavel Brož – bass
Johny Chaos - guitar
Áda Vitáček – drums

Members 1992:
Petr Hošek – vocals, keyboards
Jarda Stuchlý – drums, vocals
Johny Chaos – guitar, vocals
Filip Kolací – bass, vocals

Current members:
Petr Hošek - vocals, bass
Dušan Lébl - vocals, guitar
Zdeněk Petr - guitar
Martin Švec - drums

Czech Experimental Noisecore/Industrial-band. Self-labelled: *Murder Core*.

Formed in 1988 by Jaroslav Stanko and Vincent Venera. Became Vincent Venera’s solo project in end of 1991.
Ceased activities in 1993 and reformed in 2013 as a band again with the following line-up:

* *Svatý Vincent* Venera (voc)
* Ivan Klein (b)
* Harold Poulíček (git)
* Jaroslav Stanko (git)
* Jaroslav Stuchlý (dr)

Czech hardcore/punk band from Teplice/Ostrov nad Ohří, formed in 1987.
The band was named after a district in Teplice but often incorrectly credited as “Šanov” on early compilation releases.

Czech hardcore punk band from Prague that was founded in 1988 and December 23, 1996 played the last concert.

Hardcore Punk band from Prague, Czech Republic formed in 1986

David „Kratos“ Bartoš – vocals
Zdeněk Petr – guitar, vocals
Jarda Wonid Cvach – bass, vocals
Daniel de Luxe Král – drums

Czech hardcore band formed in 1987 Johny Chaos and Wonid of P.S..

Kapela hrála rock s prvky ska. Měla dvě baskytary a svižnou dechovou sekci.

Goregrind band from Prague, Czech Republic. Formed in 1999, split up in 2005. Reunited in 2011. Definitely disbanded in October 2013.

První česká radikální industriální kapela vystoupila poprví v září 1985. Odehraných koncertů celkově nebylo mnoho, každé vystoupení bylo kuriozitou. Atmosféra se odvíjela od zakladního rytmického motivu, který postuplně gradoval, k čemuž kapela využívala všelijaké železné haraburdí. Objevil-li se tradiční hudební nástroj - kytara, baskytara, saxofon, perkuse či předtočené pásky - pak jen jako další zvuk, zapředený do celkové nálady. Náhodný návštěvník by byl patrně zemřel. Uvědomělý padl tváří od epicentra výbuchu. Na pódiu mlátilo, řezalo a bušilo několik ztěží viditelných postav do kolejnic, lešenářských trubek, kovových pružin, plechových desek a různých svařenců, přitom kvílelo na saxofony, občas někdo z nich přistoupil k mikrofonu a cosi deklamoval do hypnoticky neměnného tempa. Veselí Filištínové začali kovy používat údajně jako parodii na heavy metal. Český industriál byl vždy tak trochu silné kafe i pro příznivce Einstürzende Neubauten. Tím nejdůležitějším byla energie - neboť v pramenech a přenosech energií měl alternativní posluchač hledat a najít podstatu světa.

VESELÍ FILIŠTÍNOVÉ byli jednou z prvních tuzemských industriálních skupin, která využívala kovy i přednatočené pásky a vytvářela hlukové stěny. V polovině osmdesátých let, kdy většina muzikantů ještě žila novou vlnou a post punkem, popřípadě undergroundem, působili jako zjevení.
Kombinace basy nebo dvou kovových perkusí, zkreslené kytary a hlukových stěn z přednatočených pásků, byla jako z jiného světa. To neznamená, že by neměla předchůdce. Kovy místo bicích používali už DG 307 a další undergroundové kapely, přednatočené pásky byly součástí experimentů alternativních kapel jako byl MCH Band. Ovšem nikdo z nich nestavěl tak hutné zvukové stěny. Filištínové předznamenali nástup celé pražské industriální scény v čele s Paprsky inženýra Garina a Střední Evropou, které se od Veselých Filištínů odštěpily. A šlo o skutečnou scénu, jejíž představitelé většinou zkoušeli na jednom jediném místě, v historické budově bubenečské čistírny odpadních vod, jež je nyní národní technickou památkou a slouží jako ekotechnické muzeum. Konají se v ní mnohem vznosnější akce a industrialisté tam nemají šanci podnikat své akce – co kdyby v budově, která je inspirovala, něco poničili…? Tehdy však byla „sračkárna“ čili „šithauz“, jak se budově přezdívalo, centrem dění. A právě v ní vzniklo i mnoho „studiových“ nahrávek.
Jádrem Veselých Filištínů bylo trio tvořené kytaristou Andrejem Pastorkem a dvěma perkusisty, Martinem Kreuzbergem a Tondou Hlávkou, původně členem punkových A64, který později hrál na perkuse v „latinskoamerickém“ období Garáže. Později se k nim připojovali další muzikanti, jako byl kytarista a baskytarista Petr Špirlo, saxofonista Petr Trpák, který později s perkusistkou Irenou Kraftovou založil Střední Evropu, nebo Jaroslav Palát, jenž stál u kolébky noiseových Suicidal Meditations.
Tolik silných a tvůrčích osobností, z nichž každá měla trochu jiné představy o dalším vývoji své tvorby, ale v jedné kapele dlouho vydržet nemohlo, a tak se v roce 1987 Filištínové rozešli.

Skupina vznikla v letech 1986–1987 z bývalých členů Veselých Filištínů. Prvotním cílem bylo dělat hudbu jinak; inspirací byli především Test Dept. Zakládajícími členy byli Petr Trpák, Jan Duspěva, Irena Kraftová (Trpáková), Elen, Zdeněk Buchal, Mojmír Pukl, Michal Brabec, Miloš Filař a Marek Schnierer. Sestava se časem proměňovala, počátkem 90. let byl program postaven na mnohačlenné dechové sekci, od r. 1992 se postupně začaly přidávat kytary. Skupina byla personálně propojena s ostatními soubory, které také zkoušely v Šithausu - mj. Odvážná srdce, Brusičova parta, Květy intimních nálad, Souboj udejchanejch bachyní, Osvobozená domácnost a další. Konec Střední Evropy nebyl nijak dramatický – kapela se prostě přejmenovala na M.A.C. OF MAD.

Czech rap-metal band from Hradec Králové. Formed at 1988.

Czech punk and alternative group from Prague
Formed 1978

Members (2015):
Jiří Křivka – guitar, kb, lead voc
Miloš Albrecht - bg, voc
Adam Krejčík – ds, voc

Czech pop rock group. Formed in 1990 as Chátra 77.

Lukáš Klofec alias Looky – bass, vocals
Mirek Cvanciger alias Cvanc – guitar
Lukáš Fuchs alias Horst Maštěnka – drums

Gerry - guitar
Jan Veselý alias Kiska - drums
Jakub Gaisler - drums
Michal Pecka - drums
Pavel Navratovič - drums
Lukáš Kmoch - drums, flute

Czech alternative rock/new wave band, founded in 1983

The current genre:indie music, house music, electronica, electro

Spelled by the band as *tEaR!doWn*. The electro project tEaR!doWn was launched 2004 in northern germany. The first years were characterized by instrumental experiments, mainly influenced by the classic sound of North American electro acts. In 2007 O. Spring, the former frontman of Swiss dark electro institution Sleepwalk joined the project to add vocals to these creations. The first release was the 7-track demo CD-R Mind!kick in late 2007. Since that time, tEaR!doWn played some live shows in Germany and Switzerland and continued to record new songs. In addition some remixes were produced by some friends/bands. The sound spans from harder mid- and up-tempo grooves to atmospheric moments, combining melodic and gloomy undertones with slightly distorted vocals and background samples.

Ion Plasma Incineration is an English Electro-Industrial/Aggrotech act formed in 2010 combining high-tech sounding soundscapes, icey cold melodies, acid aggression, hardcore vocals, breakbeats and themes inspired by Hard Science-Fiction writers such as Stephen Baxter and Olaf Stapledon.

EBM/industrial band from Bern, Switzerland.

German EBM / electro band founded in 2003, Leipzig.

Czech noise-industrial project from end of eightees and beginning of ninetees of Jaroslav Palát, with member Alex Švamberk, Silvia Hromádková, Hank J. Manchini et al.. Jaroslav Palát and Suicidal Meditations influenced Czech and Slovak industrial scene, above all VO.I.D and Einleitungszeit bands. The formation continued after the death of Jaroslav Palát under the name S / M.

Analog electronics side project from members of [a104573] and [a621789]/[a314030].

Shoegaze band from Czech Republic. In 1994, somebody broke into the EOST house and stole all the instruments. After this, Jan P. Muchow bought an old PC and started to create electronic music. Others members left the band.

Czech Punk Band Exist 1984 - 1991

Czech „integrated music“ project of composer Vladimír Hirsch and sound-engineer Tom Saivon, started in 1999 as more abstract sprout of their sympho-industrial band Skrol, stressing the work with rich arsenal of sound structures. It is based on grasping both ways in a manner (contemporary classical v. industrial and dark ambient), which would allow them to partake of each other’s principal formal attributes, both on the basis of violent confrontation and of mutual empathy. The goal of this specific form of work is a unification of seemingly irreconcilable worlds into a indivisible essence. This act represents the metaphorical and philosophical principles of the formation’s work.

LUMINAR AX is a conjoint project between American singer and poet Dove Hermosa and Czech composer and instrumentalist Vladimír Hirsch, active between 2007 and 2011.

Occasional association of various instrumentalists (classical & electronic instruments, industrial percussions, sound generators and other) under the direction of composer Vladimír Hirsch only in order to participate on author’s recordings and performances.

Czech-Swiss dark electronic project, formed in 2009.

Czech Horrorcore Group from Prague founded in 2007. Member of ZNK.

Czech jazz-rock/jazz-funk group. Formed in 1973 in Prague, led by bass player Petr Klapka. Since 1976 featuring vocalist and Klapka’s wife Zdena Adamová. Disbanded in 1980 after Klapka’s and Adamová’s emigration to USA.

Czech rock-jazz group, also known as “The Prague Selection”. Originally formed by Michael Kocáb in 1975 as a jazz combo, featuring the Prague Big Band (aka Pražský big band) rhythm section; the group name is also an ironic reference to a cheap Czech wine brand. Reformed in 1980 as a rock and new wave group. They were also regularly performing as a studio rhythm section, either anonymously or under various monikers (e.g. Elektrovox or even as members of TOČR). Between 1983–1986 prohibited from performing or recording due to communist censorship. Definitively disbanded in December 2005. Revived in 2006 by Kocáb with a Czech-Australian line-up as “Pražský výběr II”. Reunited in the “classic” 1980s line-up in 2012, including both drummers.
Members 2012: Michael Kocáb (leader, keyboards, vocals), Michal Pavlíček (guitar, vocals), Vilém Čok (bass guitar, vocals), Jiří Hrubeš (drums), Klaudius Kryšpín (drums).
Former members until 1980: Jiří Niederle (saxophone), Ondřej Soukup (bass guitar), Jan Žižka (drums), Zdeněk Fišer (guitar), Vratislav Placheta (drums), Martin Koubek (guitar), Ladislav Malina (drums), Jiří Tomek (vocals, percussion), and numerous guest artists.

Czech alternative rock group. Formed in 1979 and led by Filip Topol, disbanded on August 10, 2011.

Czech alternative chanson group from Prague

Formed in 1994 as Hoši z Bundeswehru duo by Zdeněk Hmyzák Novák and Petr Komár Soudek.

Dnes již neexistující soubor Mare Nigrum vznikl v prosinci 1995. Kapela se poprvé objevuje na festivalu ALTERNATIVA 95, která byla tehdy zřetelně nakloněna elektronické hudbě. V rámci příležitostného projektu se tehdy ještě pod označením Mare N. na podiu objevili Tomáš Sedláček (klávesy, sampler), Jiří Pykal (basa), Jiří Pejchal (zpěv, akordeon) a jako host DJ Liquid A. V únoru 1996 přichází trojice Sedláček, Pykal a Pejchal, doplněná o zpěvačku Lindu Titzovou, se základem budoucího repertoáru s prvky elektronické hudby a elektronického dance popu.

V květnu natáčí Mare Nigrum tři remixy pro reedici alba skupiny Ser Un Peyjalero "Joint Is Better Than Panzerfaust", které vydává Black Point. Poté směřuje hlavní aktivita souboru k natočení vlastního alba. Zcela výjimečně se na sklonku roku kapela objevuje na třech festivalech, doplněná o hostujícího Jiřího Jurka (perkuse, kytara) a Pavla Čecha (klávesy, sopran saxofon). Počátkem roku se sestava rozšiřuje o další zpěvačku, kterou je osobitá subtilní Dánka, Alice Rose Bryld, jež se začíná na připravovaném albu podílet i autorsky.

V únoru 1997 nahrávají Mare Nigrum spolu s dalšími hostujícími hudebníky (bicí, perkuse, zpěv) nové album ve studiu Kufr ve Slabcích u Rakovníka. Natáčení a produkce se ujímá Frank Verschuuren, který se svým umem zapsal na alba The Legendary Pink Dots, Skinny Puppy a Download. Album, doplněné remixy Mirka Papeže (Magnetik, Nihilists, Vanessa Gun), DJ Liquid A a Ohm Square, vychází pod názvem Grape 1. dubna 1997 na domácí značce Wolf Records. Koncertní promoturné začalo 23. května společným vystoupením s The Legendary Pink Dots v pražském klubu Roxy.

Punk band from Brněnec, Czech Republic. Formed in 1990.

Hardcore band from Kroměříž, Czech Republic.

Czech avantgarde new wave group, also known as O.Z.W. (Onkel Zbynda’s Winterrock).

Disco group formed in 1974, U.K. as Silent Eruption.
After Lindell Leslie, their original singer, left the group, Precious Wilson moved from backing to lead vocals.
Frank Farian signed the group at Hansa International. They toured with Boney M. in 1977 and achieved an international hit with their disco cover version of Ann Peebles’ *I Can’t Stand The Rain*, taken from their first album. While the flagship single from their second album, *Leave A Light*, only charted modestly (it was a cover of Caston & Majors’ *I’ll Keep My Light In My Window*), another cover of Neil Sedaka’s hit *One Way Ticket* was a Top 5 hit all over Europe early 1979.

Shortly after, Precious Wilson left the group for a solo career and was replaced by Kim Davis (7). The group’s self-penned *Go Johnnie Go* from their third album *Fight Fight Fight* was a Top 10 hit in Germany in 1980, but only months later, Davis died of a brain hemorrhage. She was replaced by singer Janye James, and their 1981 cover version of Del Shannon’s *Runaway* narrowly missed the German Top 20.

By the end of that year, they signed with Ralph Siegel’s Jupiter Records and released a handful of unsuccessful singles and one album *Our Way* before finally disbanding in 1985 after their final single *Where Do I Begin*.

Arcikapela Ladislava Vostárka a Vladimíra Kočandrleho poslala do světa jen 2 singly: u Supraphonu legendární Po noční - Da,Da,Da a u Pantonu singl Dieta - Půjdu zas spát sám.

Na videoklipech hoduje a zpívá dr. Ladislav Vostárek, dále vystupuje malá Lucka Vondráčková a její otec Jiří se synťáčkem.

Slovak solo noise project.

DRNSMS is a collaboration unit between Drén and the noisecore group Sedem Minút Strachu.

Czech alternative rock/pub rock/ska band

Formed in 1983, named after a book [i]Up the Down Staircase[/i] (1965) by Bel Kaufman. In 2005, when former member Marek Brodský left the band was renamed simply Schodiště.

Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - 1983-1993 (1993, self-released)
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - Ukazovák nasliněnej (1997, Indies) CD
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - Svinska pržola (2001, Black Point) CD
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - Album první (a něco navíc) (2002, Black Point) CD [re-recorded first album w/bonuses]
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - Pirátské live album / Live Palác Akropolis 19. 2. 2003 (2003, self-released) CD
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - Vagon live (2004, self-released) DVD
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band - Mokrý prádlo (2005, Indies MG) CD
Schodiště - Tanec! (2007, Indies MG) CD
Nahoru Po Schodišti Dolů Band / Schodiště - 25 let (2009, Indies MG) DVD
Schodiště - Roztoky (2011, Indies Scope) CD
Schodiště - Kupředu! (2020, Galén) CD

Czech group active 1990-2002, well known for the music for the "Šeptej" movie.

Colin Stuart (guitar - keyboards - chimes - vocals)
David Volenec [ex-Sebastians] (vocals)
Dušan Lipert [ex-Sebastians, Ohm Square] (guitar)
Iva Stuart [Colins ex-wife] (fender piano)
Ivo Heger [ex-Letadlo, ex-Toyen, ex-The Way] (guitar - keyboards)
Jan Čechtický [ex-Sebastians, Ohm Square] (bass - vocals)
Štěpán Tůma [Liquid Harmony] (drums - percussion)
Jan P. Muchow [Ecstasy Of St. Theresa, Twin Freaks] (keyboards - guitar - fender piano - claves)

Famous rock’n roll group from New York. Well known for Andy Warhol’s artwork and often cited as one of the most important and influential kapely of their era.

Inducted into Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 1996 (Performer)

Original members:

[b]Lou Reed[/b] (b. 2 March 1942 - d. 27 October 2013):
Vocals, Guitar, Piano

[b]John Cale[/b] (b. 9 March 1942):
Vocals, Electric Viola, Organ, Bass Guitar

[b]Sterling Morrison[/b] (b. 29 August 1942 - d. 30 August 1995):
Vocals, Guitar and Bass Guitar

[b]Maureen Tucker[/b] (b. 26 August 1944):

Angus MacLise was the original drummer, but did not officially record with the band.

Czech alternative rock/new wave group. Originally identical to [a970450] who were banned in 1984, this “innocent” group name (“Music Prague” in English) was used subsequently in order to fool the communist censors.

Czech happening and performance group

Formed in 1985, straddled over musical avantgarde, dada poetry, abstract improvisation and absurd theatre.

Member of the band was also clarinet player Daniel Mráz and Radomil Uhlíř as a guest.

Synthpop band based in Slovakia. They started in 1987 with few off-music breaks since then. Recently they supported Camouflage in Bratislava, on November 24, 2006.

Czech alternative rock with folk influence group

Czech alternative rock group from Prague, active 1972–1974 and 1976–1977. Predecessor to [a1667783].

Czech pop rock (former folk rock) group.

Formed in 1987 by Kučera borthers. Actual line up: Ilja Kučera (bass), Vladimír Kučera alias Raven (31) (keyboards), Pavel Ivanovský (drums) and Zdeněk Divoký (guitar, son of Zdeněk Divoký).

Luděk Horký - drums,
Aleš Hes - drums,
Jiří Urubek - guitar,
Jan Ferenc - violin,
Vladimír Línek - keyboards,
Pavel Hájek - drums,
Jiří Frýd alias Fugas - drums,
Richard Slach - saxophone,
Leon Skucius - guitar,
Jiří Kovář - guitar,
Viktor Barza - drums,

Guest appearance:
Vladimír Halama - piano,
Jiří Frýd - drums,
Petr Kučera - keyboards,
Daniel Šustr - guitar

Czech (tuzex) punk rock band.

Recent drummer is Dušan Bobák, Slovak musician (Čochtaranka, Orchester Nového Primitivizmu /2002/, Je Bez Chuti /1997-99/, Miki Rurka Band /2005/).

Czech avant-garde orchestra. Founded 1983 by [a619868], Miroslav Pudlák and Martin Smolka as “Agon Ensemble”. Regular collaboration with underground rock artists like [a718671].

Skinhead rock band which was popular after velvet revolution.
Orlík released only 2 Albums but it was sold very well (both about 200 000 pieces).

Last line up:
Daniel Landa (Vocals)
David Matásek (Guitar, Vocals)
Martin Limburský (Drums)
Jakub Maleček (Bass)

Former band members:
Adolf Vitáček (Drums)
Šimon Budský (Bass)
Petr Štěpánek (Guitar)

Czech psychedelic-rock from Prague. Successor of Jogurt BB.

Petr Choma Brut Hernych - bass guitar, guitar
František Fumas Palme - vocals, guitar, harmonica, songwriter
Janče Tomečková - flute, vocals
Filip Minajev - drums

Pavla Čornejová - viola, vocals
Petr Vitáček - drums
Zrzavá Veverka - accordion as guest

2018 - Láska pivo a rokenrol (CD)
2014 - V pasti (CD)
2012 - Železný Jan (CD)
2010 - Máš ňáký problémy? (CDr - recording 1987)
2009 - Poslední zhasne (CD)
2006 - Cesta z krimu (CD)
2005 - Last Waltz With Pavla (official bootleg)
2004 - Kůň s pěti nohama (CD)
2002 - Čajový obřad (official bootleg)
2001 - Snění o snu noci indiánské (rarities)
2001 - Sen noci indiánské (CD, casette)
2000 - The B.Yes of (live internet single)
1999 - Myš You Were Here (CDr maxisingle)
1999 - Too Young to Kozí Dech to Old to Fly (CDr)
1999 - Přepadli Vás indiáni (CDr - recording 1989)
1998 - Ghost do domu (CD, casette)
1998 - La France Live 98 (live)
1996 - Ples tapírů (CD, casette)
1994 - Drobné radosti psychedelické kachny (casette)
1992 - Too Young to Kozí Dech to Old to Fly (cassette)

Czech alternative band, founded in 1988.
The founding members are Mardoša and Milan Cais

Czech rock group. Formed in 1989 by Jaromír Švejdík and Petr Kružík in Jeseník (Freiwaldau), Czechoslovakia, as a post-punk/gothic rock band.

Czech folk-rock group built around texts from Franz Kafka’s books. Featuring Jaroslav Rudiš and Jaromír 99.

Czech alternative electro/rock group.

Formed in 2001 as studio only project by Tomáš Neuwerth & Michal Burget. In 2003 transformed in regular band.

Czech alternative rock/electro group from Kopřivnice. Formed in 2002.

Recent bass guitarist is Pavel Karas.

Rock band from Czech republic
The band has been founded in 1985
Had a break between 2004 - 2012

Psychedelicko/minimalistická skupina založená v roce 1993. V sestavě byli mimo jiné kytarista a klávesista Benjamín Tuček (režisér filmu Děvčátko, později člen skupiny The Ritchie Success) a zpěvačka a baskytaristka Kateřina Coufalíková (filmová kostymérka, později také v sestavě Colorfactory).

Czech extreme hardcore band formed in 1996.

American black metal/grind band from Woburn, Massachusetts. Formed in 1993.

Zhudebněná poezie Vratislava Brabence. Basa a zpěv se saxofonem z undergroundového Suříku, rocková kytara a bicí automat.

Filip Posolda - zpěv, saxofon
Jiří Větrovský - basová kytara
Jiří Větrovský ml. - kytara

Skupina Jazz Khonspiracy aneb Tichý Hrubý Schneider +vznikla na podzim roku 2010. Sešli se v ní muzikanti z různých kruhů, které pojí láska k improvizaci a free jazzu. Hudba JK vzniká přímo na pódiu, muzikanti si jen řeknou určitá témata (například roční období), a ta pak hrají. V jejich improvizacích se často projevují i vlivy a ozvěny lidové hudby, ať už je to klezmer nebo lidové motivy z hudby východní Evropy. Plus v názvu skupiny je připraveno pro různé hosty. S JK hráli například saxofonisté Jiří Durman a Vratislav Brabenec či pianista Jiří Schneider.

Bubeník Jan Schneider(1955) prošel mnoha undergroundovými seskupeními, z nichž nejvýznamnější byli The Plastic People of the Universe, na jejichž desce Pašijové hry velikonoční se podílel jako perkusista a zpěvák. Od osmdesátých let se věnuje různým formám jazzu, od volné improvizace po dixieland.

Petr Tichý (1974) patří k nejlepším českým kontrabasistům současnosti, je vyhledávaným studiovým i koncertním hráčem. Byl členem Floex bandu v období alba Pocustone. Z mnoha jeho kapel jmenujme například Trio Puo se zpěvačkou Feng-jun Song, duo se zpěvačkou Ridinou Ahmed,Orloj snivců či žánrově pestré trio NTS (Nejtek/Tichý/Smetáček).

Michal Hrubý(1973) hraje na klarinety, tenor saxofon a lidové píšťaly ze Slovenska (fujaru, koncovky, šestidírkové píšťaly...). Začínal v bigbítové kapele Sveřepé prase, poté založil a vedl skupiny Neočekávaný dýchánek a Kapitán Kajman. V současné době působí v několika různých kapelách (Trio Salaš, Malé dechové cvičení...).

Grindcore band from Quebec City, Canada. Active from 1995 to 2000. Their songs were about mass murderers, but also about humorous issues.

Skladatel a elektronický manipulátor Moimir Papalescu s dechařem a multi\u00ADinstrumentalistou Petrem Venkrbcem vsadili na výbušnou směs tanečního elektropopu s vysokooktanovou zpěvovou linkou Tonyi Graves. Elektrárna s příměsí soulu, elektra a diska.

Grindcore band from Fukuoka, Japan formed in Fall 1993.

Active from 1993 to 1997, when Zon changed line/up and continue as Cunt’N’Bananaaz.

Czech hardcore/crossover rock group. Formed in March 1988 as a punk trio in Havlíčkův Brod (former Czechoslovakia), they became a quartet with the addition of a lead guitarist in 1992. As of 2011, the group still performs and records in the original lineup: Petr *Hraboš* Hrabalik (vocals, rhythm guitar), Jiří *Martha* Dvořák (bass guitar), Josef *Jouza* Bárta (drums), Tomáš *Ceemek* Hájek (lead guitar)

Czech heavy metal band from Brno
Formed June 1989
Comeback at 2015

Daria Hrubá – vocals, guitar
Pavla „Múza“ Musilová – guitar, keyboards, backing vocals
Yvona Pešková – guitar, backing vocals
Martina Ponocná – bass guitar, backing vocals
Monika Pellová – drums

Comeback line-up:
Daria Hrubá – vocals, guitar
Pavla „Múza“ Horňáková – lead guitar, keyboards, backing vocals
Monika Pellová – drums
Jana Staňková - bass guitar, backing vocals

Czech hardcore punk group from Strakonice.

Czech harrdcore punk group from Ostrov nad Ohří. Formed in 2012.

Czech hardcore punk group from Krupka (u Teplic).

Crust / grindcore band from Mendoza, Argentina.

Grindcore/Noisecore band from nowhere, planet earth.

Born in 2003 with the aim to become the worst, politically incorrect and nastier-sound band in the world. First years of activity (2003-2007) saw the band involved in a deep studio production with a lot splits in every kind of format (cd-cdr-tapes-eps.). They shared the recordings with bands of half world like PLAGUE RAGES, GORGONIZED DORKS and many more. In the 2007 the sound changed a little bit from the old harsh-noisecore to the actual primitive mince-noisegrind; several splits came out with bands like PROLETAR, AGATHOCLES, VULGAR NAUSEA, SMG, DECHE CHARGE, 7MON, CSMD, ARCHAGATHUS and thousands of compilations. In 2009 BESTIAL VOMIT began an hard live activity, sharing the stages with acts like SAKATAT, DEATH TOLL 80K, WORMROT, DAVE PHILIPS, ARCHAGATHUS, MUNDO DE MIERDA, PLAGUE RAGES, CRUEL FACE, ASESINATO DE MASA, PROLETAR, EXTREME HATE, TERSANJUNG 13, BANGSAT, KAZAMATE, INJURY BROADCAST, TERROR OF DYNAMITE ATTACK, PESTE NEGRA, S.F.C., MOSSURAYA, VOID FORGER, CAMPHORA MANOBROMATA, BOLO, ROTTEN SOUNDS, CHAOS UK, KOVARASVA, THE DISMEMBERS, HUMAN ERROR, THE SKUNKS, SICK OF STUPIDITY, VAMPILLIA, AGATHOCLES, CGB, DYSMORFIC, HORSEBASTARD, VAZIO, PSYCHONEUROSIS, HERIDA PROFUNDA, RABIES, DORNATA, NOISE A GO GOS, FINAL EXIT, INTESTINE BAALISM, SOCIAL PORKS, SABAT, UNHOLY GRAVE, CROW DRAGON TEA, DEMOLITION, SETE STAR SEPT .....only to state a short list.

Czech experimental punk/prog group formed partly by members of F.P.B. in 1985...
Permanent non-musician band member is visual artist Martin Velíšek.

Czech punk band from Teplice, predecessor to [a1023292]. The band name translates in Czech as “Čtvrtá cenová skupina”, which refers to the then usual official price categories in Czechoslovak restaurants and pubs; the “4th price category” denoted the [i]lowest[/i] standard, i.e. the lowest required service quality, comfort, and of course the lowest beer prices…

Slovakian Dark Ambient project.

Converter is the brainchild of Scott Sturgis, a one-man electro-consortium. Originating in Ohio, but now based in Seattle, Converter began in early 1998, when a growing interest in rhythm-drive sound inspired Sturgis to pursue a rhythmic noise-based project. Converter saw its first release in 1999, with Shock Front, a mature work in the same vein as other artists in the Ant-Zen family such as P·A·L, Imminent Starvation and Iszoloscope, as well as well-known rhythmic noise innovators like Dive and Esplendor Geometrico. Converter investigates the industrial field, without denying its roots. Described as *hard hitting, noise tinged electro-industrial*, the music is loaded with infectious and penetrating rhythms perfect for dance floors. Tracks like *Coma*, which has become a popular club hit in Toronto, offer machine-driven rhythms with a turbulent downpour of torrential electronics. Bombastic rhythms are coupled with tweaked synths to create an atmosphere of distorted aggression that shows no mercy in its relentless attack on your senses. Sturgis creates paranoid, intense and threatened atmospheres incorporating elements of powernoise and analogue electronics. Sturgis has a full resume, boosting projects Pain Station, a split disc with R4 (Dbs/R4), collaboration with Asche and Morgenstern, Xenonics K-30 (a collaboration with Leech from Navicon Torture Technologies ), and the recent project Notime to his roster. As well as writing music, Sturgis also began his own label, Auricle Media, with fellow artist Manufactura.

Founded in 1988, [b]The Rorschach Garden[/b] was the solo project of [b]Philipp Münch[/b], mainly known from his works as Synapscape. In 1997, he stopped this project due personal reasons. [b]The Rorschach Garden[/b] was reactivated in 2001, made its first public appearance at the Maschinenfest 2002 in Aachen, Germany. After this, some other live perfomances were held with the help of some of [b]Philipp[/b]’s closer friends.
Ever since, [b]TRG[/b] has grown into a proper band with a steady lineup and a great reputation for live performances. Their musical style has developed into a unique blend of electronic pop music and defies genre limitations.
Since 2008, no concerts have been played due to personal circumstances of the band members, yet there might possibly some again.

Electronic music project from Russia. Also known as Þlå Flå.
Founder of the label Your Inner Prison.

Samhain was set up in 1996 by its mmbers of that time - Solo, Blazen and Peter Blazko. Their first acts were under the influence of industrial scene. In March 1997 Peter Blazko has left the band and Bob became third member. With his experiences during his cooperation with KIFOTH, he had the efect on further evolution and sound of Samhain. After 6 months of existence in this lineup, Blazen has left the band for three years. Solo and Bob produced their first demo *Recognition Pain And Death*. Shortly after, first side project LOCT IN arised and thereafter LAST INFLUENCE OF BRAIN. After first demo tapes of both side projects, guys got back to thier activity on Samhain and prepared a material for their first demo CD *Ante Portas*. Nowadays, their third act *Violent Identity is finished and will be published under Aliens Production mark.

Members: Gazdag István, Gyorgy Turoczy
Mix the brutality of noise music with the psychedelic pulsation of trance / acid, the rich melodies of new wave, and the strict grinding of industrial metal.

Czech alternative rock group. Originally founded in 1973 as “The Naive Extempore Band” by Jaroslav Jeroným Neduha, in 1976 renamed to Rock & Jokes Extempore Band which disbanded in summer 1978. Reformed in November 1978 by Mikoláš Chadima as “The New Rock & Jokes Extempore Band”, in 1979 shortened to “The Extempore Band”, disbanded again in the early 1980s (transformed to MCH Band). Revived in early 1990 by Neduha as “JéJé Neduha & Rock & Jokes Extempore Band”. Neduha’s Rock & Jokes Extempore Band still performs as of 2019.

Czech new romantic / synth-pop group active from 1985 to 1992. Reformed in 2011.

Czech black metal group founded in 1992 by Vlad Blasphemer and Barbarud Hrom.

The first live performance occured on the 23rd of December 1992. The debut demo *Immortal Death* was released in 1993, and one year later *The Incapable Carrion* saw the light of the day. In 1995 a split EP with Dark Storm was released, and in November that same year the debut album *Barbarians* was released by Pussy God Records. The band performed 15 live gigs that year as well. In 1996, the second album titled *Lucan-Antikrist* was unleashed, with more professional sound but still very raw and brutal. More live shows were performed, mostly in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. The third album *Krvestreb* was released in 1997, followed by *Cerna Krev* in 1998. August 1999 brought the *Proti Vsem* split CD in cooperation with Sezarbil and Inferno. In October of that year the next album *Invaze* was released followed in December 2000 by *Epitaph - The Last Onslaught of Maniac Butcher*, which closed the first chapter in the band’s history. This was the band’s statement explaining their decision:

*We and our musical feeling stayed same but the scene around us was changed a lot in the last years. Many old great hordes already left the scene and there remain tons of sweet childish imitations full of romantic keyboards and female vocals. We are afraid there is no more place for hordes like Maniac Butcher on today’s scene.
Now nearly no bands plays that, what was called as Black Metal in the past... and that, what is called as Black Metal today, we call shit. We don’t want to do anything with that shit. We don’t want to be part of this fuckin’ scene for more...
Today’s Black Metal scene is dead! But true Black Metal will live so long, until some true Black Metal fans will love and listen to old recordings!
We will never betray our roots!!!*

The band reformed in 2009, playing gigs again and recording their final album, *Masakr*, released in 2010. In 2012 the *Metal From Hell* EP was released as a tribute to the band’s influences. This was to be their final recording, as Vlad Blasphemer died in 2015.

Band members:
Radim Hora alias Barbarud Hrom aka Rüd Borglund - vocals
Vladimír Dědek alias Vlad Blasphemer - guitars
Jorg Vangström alias Forgotten - guitars
Petr Čejka alias Lord Unclean - guitar
Petr Mecák alias Rámus aka Equimanthorn - guitar
Martin Bretšnajdr alias Brady - live bass guitar
Jan Kapák - drums
Michal Dědek - drums

Czech noise-thrash band

Line up:
Ondřej Švandrlík - guitar, vocal, programming
Ivo Mikšovský – bassguitar
David Kolovratník - drums
Jakub Švandrlík - guitar, mouth organ, vocal

Trailer Trash got its start as a regular attraction at Lee’s Liquor Lounge in Minneapolis in 1994. Trailer Trash is known for playing traditional country music, but also rock and swing. They have performed at Jesse Ventura’s Inaugural Ball and the opening of the new Guthrie Theater. The group has earned seven Minnesota Music Awards, appeared in two movies (Herman USA and Dill Scallion), and put out six albums as of 2020.

Czech alternative rock band from Prague.

Formed 2006 by Daniel Šubrt who rounded up members of three Czech bands with different musical and religious opinions, trying to combine hard rock, rock’n’roll, blues, heavy metal and grunge styles they used to play in their previous bands. After a smooth assimilation they came to a kind of common speech and their music could be actually described as mix of garage rock and glam.

The Drain combine elements of the 60’s garage and blues, 70’s glam rock and contemporary hard/stoner rock with the best aspects of power pop, while they still adhere to the old fashioned rock’n’roll lifestyle. Their live shows don’t lack the essential sense of noise, experiment and the atmosphere of old school punk parties. Where there is not enough sex, narcissism and razorblades in today rock’n’roll, The Drain are coming.

Czech doom/black metal group from České Budějovice. Formed in 2009 as studio project.

Václav Votruba - guitar, keyboards
Petra Votrubová - keyboards
Radek Popel - vocals
Andrea Michálková - vocals
Jan Kapák - drums
David Hradílek - bass
Jakub Vondrka - guitar

Czech metal/rock/death/prog band formed in 1993.
FORGOTTEN SILENCE is a multi-progressive band with overlaps into various styles of metal/rock/ambient/jazz music. Originally founded within the fall 1993 in Brno, the Czech Republic. During the quarter century of their existence, FORGOTTEN SILENCE recruited to a band with true cult status amongst the fans as well as the musical critics and experts. Thanx to their highly unmistakable musical face, amazing musician abilities, unpredictable song composions and moods – all this has caused that each record of this group is impatiently awaited and everytime is sovereign authentic. With their records FORGOTTEN SILENCE explored astral dimensions („The Nameless Forever...The Last Remembrance“, 1994), dissected South American novels („Thots“, 1996), searched the winter empires („Senyaan“, 1998), travelled through North Africa and Anatolia („Ka Ba Ach“, 2000, „Yarim Ay“ EP 2002), saluted nocturnal Brno city („Kro Ni Ka“, 2006), took a part at an opulent feast („La Grande Bouffe“, 2012) and currently they´ve made a deep survey inside the magical territory of the Moravian Karst („Kras“, 2018).

Each of the FORGOTTEN SILENCE records is different, full of surprises and rich musical experiences.

So are their rare but the more stirring live shows filled with raw energy, great performances and perfectionism.

All-time members:
Čepa (Zdeněk Čepička) - drums & percussion
Krusty (Alexandr Nováček) - bass & vocals
Marty (8) (Jan Friedman) - synthesizer & keyboards
Kubýk (Kubýk) - guitar
Andrea Baslová (Andrea Baslová) - vocals
Medvěd (Pavel Urbánek) - guitar
Biggles (Jiří Kučerovský) - guitars
Satyr (11) (Petr Ševčík) - vocals
Hana Hajdová (Hana Hajdová) - vocals
Bana (Michal Nevřivý) - key
Hana Vaňková (Hana Vaňková) - key
Chrobis (Radim Chrobok) - drums
Straton (Michal Procházka) -drums
Miloš Nahodil (Miloš Nahodil) - drums
Prochin (Pavel Procházka) - guitar
Hyenik (Hynek Stančík) - guitar
Bronislav Bruno Kovařík (Bronislav Bruno Kovařík) - vocals
Necrocock (Necrocock) - vocals & key

Duo based in Berlin, Germany.

Deus ex Machina is a mexican band that defines their music as *cyberpunk* with heavy influences from Skinny Puppy, Front 242, Front Line Assembly, Einstürzende Neubauten and Foetus (a.k.a. Jim Thirlwell) among others.

Czech rock group
Formed 1996

Former members:
Michal Hrůza
Zdeněk Ceral
Roman Pleskot
Petr Lichtenberg

Members 2012:
Zdeněk Ceral
Ondřej Herold
Roman Sklenář
Michal Mráz

Other members:
Bronislav Bičan
Víťa Jiráček
Pavel Bohatý
Adam Jánošík
Dominik Tůma

Flint Glass is a Paris-based dark electronica project that has been described by critics as representing some of the most innovative sounds-styling towards electronica, rhythmic noise and dark ambient genres. Flint Glass is a one man project of Gwenn Trémorin, formed in 1999. Not only a musician and producer, Gwenn also manages the outstanding experimental electronica label Brume records in France. Flint Glass’ music tends to crawl under your skin, shapes the most fantastic images, and keeps challenging by means of an intelligent use of samples, rhythms and beats. With Flint Glass you find influences from the ambient of the ‘90’s as well as various forms of IDM, tribal and industrial rhythmic noise. Flint Glass has played numerous live gigs all around Europe, festivals and at some famous clubs like Batofar/Paris, Dom/Moscow, Slime light/London, Kab Usine/Geneva and his project already appears in the foreground of finest experimental dark electronica.

Fractional is Eugenie. Her music can be qualified as Gothic Erotica I guess, a dark and brooding Electronica with a strong Jungle aftertaste. She literally vomits his brokenbeats and tortures them to submission, waxing them with various bleeps and crackles, smearing almost mystical pads on their bruised bodies.

Booking :
Insane booking :

Marc Friedrich involved in: Zentriert ins Antlitz / E.M.I.T.R. / Innovation Reality (Solo Project).
Jürgen Warkentin involved in: Zentriert ins Antlitz / E.M.I.T.R.
Holger Meuler involved in: Zentriert ins Antlitz (occasionally in Innovation Reality).

The Australian band Empty began in 2005 as a studio project by Sydney based musicians Aaron Potter and Daniel Brunet. The debut EP in 2006 carved an emotive and complex trail into the Electro-Industrial genre by combining pulsing electronics overlaid with vast, sweeping soundscapes.

Slovak alternative rock band from Martin. Formed in 1999.

NY-based producer that has managed to capture the attention of electronic music audiophiles and critics alike with his first release for Tympanik Audio titled ‘eLekatota - The Other Side Of The Tracks‘ in early 2008. When he’s not putting out noisy breakcore-tingled industrial under his main project Synth-etik (Hands Productions), Frank focuses on the deeper elements of electronic sound structure with his prolific project Totakeke.

Members: Cipree, Gunhead

German music project, started in 2004 by member of electro-industrial band Human Decay.

German 90’s styled dark electro band.

German band around vocalist Syli, very active in the 80’s in their native Black Forest region in Germany. Made several demo tapes and at least one LP in Germany, but they didn’t seem to really reach their goals. The end of the eastern block offered them the opportunity to exploit their Czech roots, and several records came out in Czechoslovakia.

Related labels: Krÿsoid Records and Krysa Records

Slovak socpop (socialism pop) band

International collaboration of different institutes and curators, which research for the freedom of expression, especially in music. It puts focus on music from countries behind the ’iron curtain’ after ’de-stalinisation’ (about 1955) until the fall of those totalitarian regimes in the eastern bloc (about 1990).

Czech funk and rap group. Formed in November 1989 by Roman Holý with rappers Oto Klempíř and Michael Viktořík.

Black Metal, Dark Epic Heavy Metal band, based in Czech Republic. They were formed in 1987.

Current Members:
Jiří *Big Boss* Valter - 1989 (vocals)
Igor Hubík - 2001 (bass)
René *Evil* Kostelňák - 2007 (guitar)
Zbyněk *Mr. Zet Junior* Husa - 2019 (drums)
Aleš Dostál - 1995-1999, 2014 (guitar)

Former Band Members:
Jiří Valter (drums, vocals)
Petr Hošek (guitar)
Zdeněk Odehnal (guitar)

Past Members:
Zdeněk *Mr. Zet* Odehnal - 1988-1988
Petr *Mr. Cross* Kříž - 1988-1989
Petr *Mr. Death* Pálenský - 1989-1990
Dan *Mr. D.A.N.* Janáček - 1990-1993
Petr *Blackosh* Hošek - 1987-2004
Viking - 1995
Aleš *Poison* Jedonek - 2005-2007
Marek *Ashok* Šmerda - 1999-2014

Bohuslav *Bob* Kramoliš - 1995-1997

Jiří *Big Boss* Valter - 1987
Robert *Dr. Fe* Krčmář - 1988

Jiří *Big Boss* Valter - 1987-1989, 1991
Rostislav *Black Drum* Mozga - 1989-1991
René *Evil* Kostelňák - 1992-2007
Marek *Deadly* Fryčák - 2007-2008
Peter Hrnčirík - 2009-2010
Pavel *Paul Dread* Kubát - 2010-2019

Czech black metal band formed in 1977.

Recent line up:
Ota Hereš - guitar, vocals, former member
Radek Sladký - drums
Jan Bartoš - bass guitar

Pavel Kadeřábek - drums, former member
Martin Čejka - former member
Filip Moldan - bass guitar
Michael Jakubův - drums
Jirka Podzimek - guitar
David Strnad - guitar
Jirka Mokošín - logo creator
Míra Mach - guitar
Jiří Sochan - drums
Bogan Chadt - vocals
Jiří Rogl - drums
Libor Remta - drums
Milan Háva - drums
Marcel Novotný alias Pípa - fanclub
Daniel Švarc alias Šakal - guitar
Martin Melmus - drums
Zelenka - manager
Pavel Kohout alias Mr. Monroe (9) - guitar
Roman Izaiáš - guitar
Petr Vajda - drums
Pavel Holý - electronics
Radek Sladký - drums
Marek Žežulka - guest drums
Josef Cigánek - guest drums
David Hradílek - bass guitar
Tomáš Eisler - guitar
Radek Kroc - guitar

Group *666* (Vlasta Henych - bg, Ota Hereš - g, Pavel Konvalinka - dr) recorded demo tape *Necrofilia* in 1984, including two songs ’Válka s nebem’ and ’Samota v smrti’, which were later part of Törr’s repertoire.

Czech new wave/pop/rock group, founded in 1982 by Jan Šulc and led by Jan Černý, disbanded in 1992.
Reunited in 2009

Former members: Jan Šulc, Václav Kabát, Petr Ackermann, David Koller, Jiří Šedivý, Jaromír Kašpar, Pavel Skála, Alena Suková, Helena Dlasková
Present members: Jan Černý, Janek Ledecký, Štěpán Smetáček, Martin Čech, Lukáš Martínek, Jára Bárta, Ed Čechová, Janka Burášová

Czech trash metal band from Brno.

Last line up:
Luboš Kozdera - vocals, guitar
Pavel Urbánek - guitar
Alex Nováček - bass guitar
Miloš Nahodil - drums

ex-line up:
Luděk Urbánek - guitar
Aleš Mikulášek - bass guitar
Pavel Piják - vocals

Czech thrash metal band formed in December 1986

Band members are well known under their aliases:

[b]Charvos[/b] - bass 1986-87
[b]Cizák[/b] (Tomáš Císař) - bass 1988-97, 1998-2001
[b]Herr Miler[/b] (Petr Miler) - drums 1994-99
[b]Kolins[/b] (Martin Kolínský) - bass 1986-present
[b]Melmus[/b] (Martin Melmus) - drums 1986-88
[b]Nic Ventor[/b] (Michal Trůka) - drums 1990-91
[b]Onslaughter[/b] (Jakub Maděryč) - guitar 2020-present
[b]Reisich[/b] (Alan Reisich) - drums 1991-94
[b]Skull II[/b] (Libor Fanta) - drums 1999-present
[b]Volák[/b] (Martin Volák)- guitar 1998-2002
[b]Zed (29)[/b] (Petr Novák) - bass 1997-98, 2001-present
[b]Trifid[/b] (Oldřich Trefil) - guitar 1987-97, 2005-20

Kabát (The Coat) is a Czech rock band from Teplice that has been active since 1983 and has been active on the music scene since 1989. During 30-year career (1989-2019), the band has released 11 studio albums and 7 concerts to DVD or CD, with over 1 200 000 copies sold. The attendance of their concerts is around 20 000 people per concert. The band’s greatest success was the concert at Po čertech velkej koncert in Prague in 2014, with over 70,000 fans. Since 1989 he has been band playing without personal change and has never interrupted his activity ever since.

Members :
Josef Vojtek - Lead vocals
Tomáš Krulich - Guitar, Vocals
Ota Váňa - Guitar, Vocals
Milan Špalek - Bass guitar, Vocals
Radek Hurčík - Drums, Vocals

CZ →
SK →
EN →

Czech alternative-hardcore/thrash-metal band from Letohrad.

Czech rock group. Founded 1974 in Plzeň (former Czechoslovakia) by Oldřich Říha and Jiří Šindelář, initially named “Mahagon”. After being banned by the regional communist authorities they relocated to Prague. Renamed on Mahagon’s request to “Katapult” in August 1975. They became one of the most popular Czechoslovak live acts of the late 1970s, releasing two best-selling albums and several SPs, winning the “best group” category of the popular youth magazine Mladý svět’s annual reader award “Zlatý slavík” (“Golden Nightingale”) in 1979 and 1980. Despite further bans by the authorities during the late 1970s (eventually they were not allowed to perform in Prague at all) and particularly in the first half of the 1980s (no recording permission despite valid Supraphon contract, absolutely no radio or TV presence), the duo Říha/Šidelář remained continuously active as “Katapult” with changing (or returning) drummers until Šindelář’s premature death in January 2009.
[b]Note: for Viktor Sodoma’s studio backing band please see Katapult. [/b]

Czech afro/reggae/dub group. Formed in 1988 as a Babalet offspring by Michal Ditrich, Milada Ditrichová, Karel Babuljak, Jiří Charypar and Václav Slon Kořán, with Senegalese vocalist Bourama Badji.
Current members: Ego L. Din, Milada Ditrichová, Michal Ditrich, Přemek Urban, Vladimír “Kei” Keicher

Hardrock side-project of Petr Hošek, the mastermind and guitarist behind the Czech black / dark metal band Root.

Experimental German group, formed in West Berlin in 1980. The band is notable for predominantly using custom built instruments constructed out of scrap metal and power tools.

Their name in English literally means Collapsing New Buildings, where New Buildings describes a type of architecture common in post-WWII Germany (large concrete box-style buildings) and Collapsing is an adjective in this context, not a verb.

From Einstürzende Neubauten’s website: We actively discourage the purchase of releases by Some Bizarre or their American licensee, Thirsty Ear, as they have been and continue to be sold without paying royalties to the band.

German actress, born 12 August 1950 in Detmold, Germany. Mother of Oliver Berben.

Faith No More was formed after the breakup of Faith. No Man.. They underwent several lineup changes including a period of where they would play ’open mic’ shows where they’d invite people to take on vocal duties. Courtney Love and Paula Frazer were two of the temporary vocalists which occasioned the mic at these shows.

Finally they settled on Chuck Mosley (Vocals), Roddy Bottum (Keyboards), Billy Gould (Bass Guitar), Mike Bordin (drums) and Jim Martin (Guitar). They released their debut album ’We Care A Lot’ on Mordam Records in 1985.

They were signed to Slash Records and released Introduce Yourself in 1987. This album spawned their first hit We Care A lot. Due to tensions within the band Chuck Mosley was fired prior to the recording of their third studio album The Real Thing. Mosley was replaced by Mike Patton.

The Real Thing was released in 1989 to critical and commercial acclaim. It featured another rock/rap hit called ’Epic’ plus a string of other minor hit singles. ’The Real Thing’ was the first album by the band to achieve platinum sales figures in the US.

Their fourth studio album ’Angel Dust’ the second with new vocalist Mike Patton. The album met critical success and is often deemed their most important record. It is often cited as the album which gave birth to Nu-Metal. This album’s darker themes; frequent genre changes Patton’s maturation and vocal versatility was a drastic shift in artistic direction and saw another rift open, often publically between the band and guitarist Jim Martin. Jim Martin was sacked via fax following the ’Angel Dust’ tour in late 1993.

In 1995 after auditioning several guitarists including Killing Joke’s Geordie Walker, the band hired Mr. Bungle guitarist Trey Spruance and recorded ’King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime’. Trey Spruance completed the record but made it clear that touring the record would not be possible. The band hired Dean Menta to fill in for the tour. The album had a mixed critical response which was followed by lukewarm album sales which led to the cancellation of part of their 1995 European tour.

During the writing for ’Album Of The Year’ the band replaced Dean Menta with Billy Gould’s former room-mate Jon Hudson. Hudson was heavily involved in the writing of the album, helping with all three of the released singles from ’Album of The Year’. The album was received well both critically and commercially compared to ’King For A Day’ but it became clear that due to conflicting side projects that Faith No More would either have to end or be put on hiatus. With Mike Bordin joining Black Sabbath, Mike Patton committed to Mr. Bungle for the foreseeable future and Roddy Bottum moonlighting with Imperial Teen the band chose to split amid weeks of rumour and speculation. The announcement was made by Billy Gould via email on April 20th 1998.

On February 24, 2009 the band announced their reunion as a touring entity. Between 2011 and in 2014 they played three new songs. In September 2014 they announced that a Warner Bros. agreed to formally end their recording contract which allowed them to launch their new label [l744098] which would release a new single in November 2014 and an album in April 2015.

Cabaret band mixing chanson, opera, Gypsy music, rock, avant-garde, embellished with black humor, burlesque, sordid and macabre stories.
Based in London,UK, the band was founded in 1989 by [a499109].
First made an impact in the US with three tracks (Hell, Whore, and Sailors) featured in the 1999 film Plunkett & Macleane (Note: these songs are not on said soundtrack).
The band performed their songs for the 1998 junk musical *Strawheaded Peter* live on stage in the touring puppetry production - effectively producing a live, animated concert performance of the album with accompanying puppet show.

Current line-up (2018):
[a499109]: vocals, accordion, piano, organ, guitar, ukulele (since 1989)
[a432879]: double bass, saw, theremin, vocals (since 1995)
[a5669468]: drums (since 2015)

[a5542096]: drums (session musician)

Former members:
[a432881]: drums, percussion, toys (1989 to 2012)
[a3205834]: drums, percussion, toys, (Spring 2012 to 2015)
[a605868]: bass (1989 to 1995)

An *industrial supergroup*, from Chicago, Illinois, USA, formed 1990 by [a22538] who has remained the sole constant member, play the role of drummer and organiser, since its inception.

Note: The Member section of this entry lists all and only those artists that are listed on any official Pigface release under ’Pigface is...’ or ’This Incarnation of Pigface is...’.

Punk rock band from Czech Republic, Europe. Band started in January 2013 when played their first show and released debut I´m Weird 7* EP. Their first full-lenght album *Darkest Visions* was nominated as best czech punk/hardcore album of 2014 and re-issued in six countries of the world include Asia, USA and Europe. BOY are known for their wild live shows and controversy stage image.

Oi Punk band from Japan.

Czech folk rock group from Zlín
Formed 1977

Former members:
Ivo Viktorin
Karel Markytán
Josef Šobáň
Blanka Táborská

Other members:
Zdeněk Hromádka
Vlasta Redl
Jan Valendin
Radek Pastrňák
Richard Kroczek ml.
Milan Nytra
Petr Škubala
Petr Kovařík
Marek Šlapanský
Michael Vašíček
David Velčovský

Porenut was established by the end of 2008 as one man project, which had served to his author as a platform for realization of his perception of music and world. Despite the name, Porenut refuses each form of paganism (and other forms of religion and spirituality) and endorses the heritage of black metal, unspoiled with pipes and hurdy-gurdies. Vocalist Neplex (ex-Lugubris) joined Porenut in 2009 and world of twisted melodies became even more twisted, when accompanied by specific lyrical visions… In those days come to existence first drafts of songs, which became basis for album which is released (thanks to drummer R. Vrecník and despite approx. billion of problems) in 2012 - called Mislife.
2013 - full lenght album - MISLIFE is OUT - from DIY label Nomad Sky Diaries - The unholy release - black metal as fuck from the end to the beginning!! Seven precious compositions from the slovakian black harts PORENUT plus bonus track in cooperation with 900piesek + Petkq. The soundtrack to the endless nausea and undying beauty in the reflection of soul suicide. For some people has this album a very personal philosophical meaning.At all it ends.

Winter 2014 - Music DIY label Nomad Sky Diaries in collaboration with Defective Press Publishing are releasing new “EP” of black metal project PORENUT – Sebaklam (The Self-deceit), which develops themes from debut album Mislife even further. Four new, narrative driven songs, with colorful composition and muddy, dirty sound are interconnected with the nihilistic – oneself & world deconstructing – philosophy – which is articulated through the book – full of absurdity, intolerance and degeneration, accompanied by depressing illustrations done by the drummer Svjatogor. Everything is packed in black box, with poster and piece of rock. Release on CD/MC via labels Nomad Sky diares and Defective press. Cassette contains bonus in the form of rehearsal version of the whole EP.

I create!
I destroy!
I don’t know!
I don’t care!

Hardcore/Punk band from Czech Republic.

Czech group led by [a1026611], founded 1974 in Prague as a tongue-in-cheek avantgarde jazz-rock Combo Franty Hromady (“Franta Hromada” being a fictional character). In the 1980s more electronic vocal pop oriented releases. Disbanded in 1986.

Hardcore/grind/punk band from Jihlava, Czech Republic. Formed in 2003.

Czech rock group from town Brno
Active (1983–1989).. (2005-..)

Roman Dragoun
Miloš Morávek
Emil Kopřiva
Jakub Michálek
Jan Seidl

Other members:
Lubomír Eremiáš
Leopold Dvořáček
Pavel Pelc

Hardcore/Crust band from Brno, Czech Republic, active 2006-2007.

Punk-Rock band from Žilina, Slovakia formed in 1989

Czech jazz combo, founded by Karel Velebný and Jan Konopásek in 1961 after both musicians quitted the [a560687]. The group name is an abbreviation of “Spejbl + Hurvínek Quartet/Quintet”; the Spejbl & Hurvínek Theatre in Prague was the group’s original employer.
[b]Note:[/b] Many group name variations have been used on releases or quoted in publications, but with the exceptions of a brief mid-1960s period [i]without[/i] Karel Velebný (a combo also known as the Reduta Kvintet), all releases should be filed under this artist. That includes name variations like: S+HQ, SH kvartet, SH kvintet, SH/Jazz Quintet, Sága rodu SHQ, Happy Music SHQ, and others.

Czech punk rock band.

V.T.Marvin = Velký tvrdý Marvin = Boss Marvin (mouse off the cartoon film *Velká sýrová loupež / Die große Käseverschwörung*).

Czech underground rock band of the mid 1990s who had some unlikely collaborators in [a99613], [a18254] and [a258476].

Distorted World is Darkwave / Dark Electro project from Russia. It was founded in Moscow, 2010 by Ivan M. who was earlier known as a keyboardist of Anthracitic Moths. Ivan is responsible for Distorted World‘s lyrics, harsh vocals and music with the distinctive sound of analog synthesizers. Later Angelina L. joined the band and brought her clean female vocals and new ideas of lyrics.

Ivan M. - music, synths, vocals, lyrics.
Angelina L. - female vocals, lyrics

Psycho-thriller trio from Prešov (Slovakia). Instrumental music inspired by film, insect, disorder and intense emotions.
Line up: Stano Kořínek (drums), Ľuboslav Krajňák (guitar), Juraj Staviarsky (bass guitar).

Industrial rock band abbreviated as NIN (stylized as NIИ) was formed in 1988 in Cleveland. Trent Reznor has served as the main producer, singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, and sole member of Nine Inch Nails for 28 years. This changed in December 2016 when Atticus Ross officially became the second member of the band. Nine Inch Nails straddles a wide range of many styles of rock music and other genres that require an electronic sound, which can often cause drastic changes in sound from album to album. However NIN albums in general have many identifiable characteristics in common, such as recurring leitmotifs, chromatic melodies, dissonance, terraced dynamics and common lyrical themes.

British post-punk/new wave band formed in 1976 in Salford. While Joy Divisions first recordings were heavily influenced by early punk, they soon developed a sound and style that made them one of the pioneers of the post-punk movement.

Anglická alternativní rocková skupina založená v roce 1976 zpěvákem a kytaristou Robertem Smithem. Během své existence zaznamenala kapela mnoho změn v sestavě a její současný frontman Smith je jejím jediným stálým členem. První deska Three Imaginary Boys začlenila kapelu mezi post-punková hnutí, generaci nové vlny, která vedla k vybuzení punk rockové revoluce ve Spojeném království. V osmdesátých letech zařadila skupinu její ponurá až trýznivá hudba do oblasti gothic rocku.

distinctive goth rock band that incorporated psychedelic and progressive elements until their eventual split in 1991

The band was notoriously different on each of their three studio albums, from media dubbed 'goth' to 'keyboards' to 'American rock'. The band is known for being one of the leaders of the 80s goth music scene, however they deny any association with goth, and consider themselves first and foremost a rock band.